Saturday, December 27, 2014

Wooden Barn Swallows

Wooden Birds - Barn Swallow (2 Adults) - $374.95
from: Darby Creek Trading Co.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Magnificent BackYard Bird Supplies

View our links to;Rosso's Magnificent,functional,decorative birdhouses, feeders,ChapelWood wild life products,LazyHill designers, The Backyard Birders Choice Website for all supplies.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Welcome to the Bird Feeder Cedar Lodge with suet baskets

We may receive compensation from your purchase. After completing my bird feeding today, and brushing off the newly placed snow,thought it was appropriate to chat a little about model 50153,this is a good product to review,reason if your limited to space,this could easily satisfy your local bird population. Not big fan of suet baskets,like to separate because we have hawks,just trying to protect the bird family. My personal favorite for humming-bird feeder is,antique red glass feeder,it offers easier access to the hummingbirds to feed. Enjoy the rest of the links RL Perky Pet for Less at

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Bird Feeders-many to choose from.Read my reviews.

Bird Feeders-many to choose from.Read my reviews.

Bird Feeders-many to choose from.Read my reviews.

Readers,birders,beware,of plastic bird feeders,squirrels eat the plastic,becomes easily discolored,you can wash it however,it is always a good idea to clean the feeders,I am a little lazy on that. Everybody has their likes and dislikes,and every bird station is different. Raccoons will climb feeder poles and eat the seed.. Feed the birds-winter is coming.RL Wild Bird Feeders at GregRobert

Rob'sWorldMall For the birds-Perkypet

Perky Pet for Less at

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Floral Sculptures,Home Decor Accessories,home,office,summer retreat

Floral Sculptures,Home Decor Accessories,home,office,summer retreat

Floral Sculptures,Home Decor Accessories,home,office,summer retreat

Home decor accessories is always very unique,we all want to demonstrate to others where are personal passions are. Our personal choice is wooden ducks,pheasant.mallard ducks duck decoys,carved wooden ducks,, A true favorite of our family is the Mallard Duck(male is colored) Mrs.Duck is shades of brown with under navy blue.

For The BlueBirdsHouse
